There are many ways in which you can be involved at St. Peter’s, depending on your interests. There is a place for everyone in fellowship and service. You need not be a regular member to enjoy the groups listed below.

Bad Boys and Girls for Jesus is a large group of parishioners who maintain our beautiful 16-acre campus. They complete a variety of essential tasks, including lawn mowing, maintaining the church graveyard, do-it-yourself projects, touch-up painting, and carpentry. This group includes youth who are learning valuable skills. This group welcomes volunteers from the community. For more information, please contact

Book Club began in 2023 to engage individuals in meaningful conversation. Book selections will be both novels and true stories with themes related to the interests of our members, such as social justice and  the environment. Read more about the current book and discussion schedule on events.

Bread Bakers gather routinely, mostly on Saturdays, to bake Communion bread for the Eucharist. For more information, please contact

Gathering of Men meets in-person on the first Friday at 8:00 a.m and by ZOOM on other weeks. All men of the parish are welcome to attend for fellowship and supportive conversation. For more information or the Zoom link, please see Keynotes or contact the

Green Stewards are are committed to both education and action to respond to the climate crisis. We encourage and support positive individual and church changes, including purchasing renewable energy, reducing plastics and planting native trees. For more information, please contact

Needlework Group meets monthly on the first Saturday at 10 a.m. to create scarves, blankets, shawls and chemo caps for those in need or for celebration. For more information, contact or visit our Facebook page.

Women on the Hill Group A quarterly gathering on Mondays for fun, renewal, support, building community, and sharing hospitality. Open to all women of St. Peter’s, and friends. Suggestions for themes and field trips are welcome. For information, email