Parishioners assist those who are burdened by healthcare challenges. The Outreach Commission primarily supports efforts by the Red Cross, The Clinic and the Community Youth and Women’s Alliance. For further details, please contact our Commission liaison at
The Phoenixville Free Clinic is a comprehensive medical clinic providing low-cost/free medical care in Phoenixville for the un- or under-insured. The Clinic was co-founded by a former parishioner who continues as a volunteer there. Our parishioners collect and provide bags of basic medical supplies and food.
The Community Youth and Women’s Alliance (CYWA)
CWYA programs include a food pantry, a residential treatment facility for women with children and a homeless shelter for women. Their treatment facility has demonstrated effectiveness because of an extremely low recidivism rate. We have supported the CYWA residents and the community through a range of activities, including providing holiday gifts, building repairs and new coats. They provide additional support to almost 150 families that have been affected by addiction.
Red Cross Blood Drives
Several times a year community blood drives are held at our church. Some of these drives are hosted on campus and at other times parishioners are more actively coordinating the arrangements and registrations. Our coordinator, is helping to expand drives in the Diocese, including at the St. James School.
Episcopal Relief and Development
In 2024 we have included ERD as a Key Ministry to guide support for world-wide needs.
Additional support related to health has included financial gifts to TE Cares to provide dental support and to the Thorncroft Equestrian Center to support disability services. Other support has been given through special grant requests from parishioners or to national and international relief efforts.