Jeff is a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Pennsylvania whose ministry at St. Peter’s is focused on outreach, pastoral care, and worship.
He served as Deacon and Parish Administrator at the Church of the Good Samaritan for 12 years. As Administrator, his responsibilities included oversight of all Finance, Administration, Property, and Human Resources. Jeff facilitated the local community outreach ministries which included recruiting, equipping and empowering disciples to respond to Christ’s call to love and serve the last, lost, and least.
Following his time at Good Samaritan, Jeff served as staff chaplain at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital for four years, choosing to retire from Jefferson in 2020. He continues his work as one of the ArchDeacons of the diocese, serving principally as Director of Formation for those seeking ordination to the permanent diaconate.
Prior to joining the staff at Good Samaritan, Jeff’s career in business focused on sales and marketing, and management. Married for 43 years, he and his wife are native Great Valley residents who met at Sugartown Elementary School.
Whether serving in the food closet, thrift shop, homeless shelter, at-risk mentoring, home improvement, financial counseling, ESL, poverty alleviation ministries, the privilege and opportunity for Jeff to share the love of Christ remains the mortar that holds these bricks together.