“Scripture is full of examples of caring and of admonitions to care for others. We find everything from the story of Abraham serving the visitors who appear at the entrance to his tent, to the command in Hebrews 13:2, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”; from the lavishness of the fatted calf, to the simplicity of a cup of cold water. In sharing refreshment—or simply time—with others, we demonstrate our regard for them and also create opportunity to receive unexpected blessings.”  – The Rev. Abigail Crozier Nestlehutt

To learn the specific details about these volunteer efforts, please call us at 610-644-2261 or email the parish administrator at parishadministrator@stpetersgv.org who will help connect you to the organizer.

Food Ministry (a ministry of friendship and camaraderie)

May is pasta month! – Drop off non-perishable food donations in the bin on the porch of the Parish House or in the shopping cart inside the Historic Church. Also always welcome are other non-perishable donations of starches (rice, beans, pasta, tortillas) and canned tomato products. Benefits the Coatesville Youth and Women’s Alliance (CYWA) and Alianzas de Phoenixville. 


On the first Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m., we meet to create items such as blankets, shawls, hats and scarves that are donated to those in need. Attendees are from the wider community and the Parish. We can help you learn how to knit or crochet, or you can bring your own project and enjoy the fellowship and the pot-luck lunch following the meeting. For further information, contact knitters@stpetersgv.org.

Red Cross Blood Drives

Greeters and help with set-up/clean-up are needed when drives are held, approximately once a quarter. See events for upcoming blood drive dates. To volunteer or learn more, contact Martin at thisdaysgrace@gmail.com.

Make a birthday card for Echo Lake residents

This is a way your child(ren) can be involved in making someone’s birthday a little brighter! Birthday cards can be dropped off during the week at the Parish House, Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Habitat for Humanity

Volunteers age 16 and older work with others from the wider community to help build homes. No construction experience is needed. We meet monthly on a Saturday. For further information contact Deacon Jeff at jeff@stpetersgv.org.

Fellowship and Events

Each week different volunteers sign-up to prepare and serve refreshments following a service. Most of the events also need volunteers to contribute food or their time to help set-up or clean up. Major events, such as our annual summer camp day, need many volunteers who are willing to oversee games and activities, as well as help with food preparation. Contact Deacon Jeff at jeff@stpetersgv.org to learn more.

Property (BB&G)

Weekly volunteers work on the facilities and the grounds. Youth have been particularly active in working on outside efforts to mow, weed and split firewood. Others also help maintain the labyrinth and the gardens. Contact Deacon Jeff at jeff@stpetersgv.org to learn more.

The St. James School ( Phila.)

On Saturday morning, volunteers are needed to help with tutoring and at the Welcome Table ( food distribution.). For further information please contact Gail Guthridge.